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Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot
Writer's pictureKassandra Russel

Make the Sacrifice Because Change is Inevitable

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

The Knight of Swords is a leader and charges forward with confidence brandishing his sword of truth to attack conflicts that have arisen. This Knight is assertive, aggressive, resolute and steadfast, strong and decisive. The Knight of Swords can represent young men or young women who are air signs that are clever and bright intellectuals more comfortable with thoughts than feelings. But you can also rest assured that this card indicates change and movement are the focus for today. It’s time to resolve conflicts and move forward.

The next 2 cards in today’s spread also appeared in yesterday’s spread! So today the inertia and lack of focus experienced yesterday is being more directly addressed. The 7 of Cups with its scattered energy, lack of focus and the distraction of illusions and addictions has been replaced by this Knight of focus and action. The reversed Page of Pentacles is back demonstrating more childish and stubborn resistance to change, with a lazy or selfish attitude. His feet are in the air showing that he’s not grounded in reality.

The 2 of Swords reversed is again placed in front of this Page urging a realization that the blindfold is off and it’s time to pay attention to uncomfortable truths. The stalemate is over and it’s time to act to get back to a balanced position. The Knight is behind the Page symbolically poking him with his sword urging the Page to make necessary change and move forward on something that affects day to day life.

I believe a clarification card is order to see what direction needed movement needs to occur for positive change. And the next card off the top of the deck is The Hanged Man reversed.

Just amazing! It’s clear to me that there is a major hangup being addressed with the pairing of the reversed 2 of Swords and the reversed Hanged One. In order to progress, a sacrifice must be made physically or mentally. The reversal implies today’s action is to get down off your cross of martyrdom and let go of what no longer serves you. The truth has surfaced and the decision is made. The Knight is going to push the reversed Page kicking and screaming if necessary into forward movement and positive change. Heed these messages today and tomorrow will be a better day.

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