3-Card Oracle Reading
Today get Clear Answers with a Card Reading! Clarify your Situation!!
Service Description
When you need to get a quick answer to your question, Oracle card guidance can do the trick with a simple 3-card draw. Spend 15 minutes with me in a ZOOM Room or over the phone. It's your choice. I'll decide which of my Oracle decks will get to the heart of your situation best and draw 3 cards. Or, you can look at the pictures of my different Oracle decks below and request the decks you want me to use. Since, this is a virtual reading, I will email or text pictures of the cards drawn. I have 30+ years of experience interpreting cards and guiding people to successful decisions. The clearer you are about what you want to know, the clearer an answer you'll get from the cards.

Cancellation Policy
It's easy to cancel and/or reschedule a reading. Just contact me with as much notice as possible. I think 24 hours would be good.
Contact Details
+1 864-484-1896
Private Residence Taylors, SC, USA